KIB 238 – Unplugging from the Enemy and the Judgment of God
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Hanukkah is a time to examine our lives in light of the Word and the Kingdom. During this time, we are to do three things: (1) Drive out Hellenism (Mystery Babylon) out of our lives, (2) Cleanse the temple through prayerful examination, repentance, and prayer, and (3) Rededicate our lives to Almighty God by entwining ourselves afresh with Messiah. Mary Lou shares a powerful prophetic prayer that reveals the tactics of the enemy and how to shut down the taplines he establishes in our lives so that the judgment of God can fall upon the wicked!
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell. Dr. Lake is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
Great broadcast today! Really missed these podcasts over the last few weeks and the wonderful encouragement you bring to us as listeners!
Truly appreciated your teaching on Hanukkah/Feast of Dedication/Light as well. Yeshua is indeed the light of the world who shines into our hearts and lives so we might walk more deeply and fervently in Him. Pressing into the oil of the Holy Spirit truly is a miracle that makes our light shine for the kingdom! Thank you for showing us how to apply these important truth’s from this feast into our lives. Such a beautiful blessing and alternative to the pagan celebrations of Christmas/Saturnalia.
Not all my family is quite on board with me introducing these changes but I am doing my best to let Christ’s light shine thru me. I would sure appreciate your prayers.
I have been able to do some Bible study teachings on Hannukah using your materials which have helped some of my friends who are believers wanting to extricate themselves from Babylon & Helenism to move forward in doing so too!
Loved your prayers also and your explanation about applying the right type of spiritual warfare directives thru our prayers to defeat the enemy.
I truly hope as you said Mary that we will be given 20-20 vision in the coming new year to see God’s initiatives for His remnant believers! This is now the second time I have heard someone say this….. confirmation with two or more witnesses… lol!
Very excited to see what He has planned for us all in the year to come!
Love & Blessings, Peace and Joy in Jesus to you both! Keeping you in my prayers!
In listening right now, I don’t know what the doors of the enemy are. I heard Mary talk about them. You are both right, many of us don’t know much about these things. I know there is monstrous evil in the world but I don’t know specific things. What are the doors and how to close them.
I love you two and I givd thanks for your lives although I know youve suffered unimaginable pain. Taplines in the network. init files need to be rewritten. I also really appreciate your laughter because life is so traumatic and heart beaking that its sweet to hear joy. Blessings to you my brother and sister.
Yes your teachings are a lifeline to those of us outside of church especially, but do you have some separate taching about the doors of the enemy, like Jill, I am a bit lost here.
God bless you both and your family.
Sin, pagan practices, and unforgiveness are basic doors. The Holy Spirit is continually revealing other doors that we weave into our podcasts. Hopefully, when I am about to write a book on spiritual warfare, we will be able to create an expanded list.
I would also like to add to this list about strongholds and dark spiritual doors generational/bloodline ties running through families. Things such as habitual drug and alcohol addiction, various sexual sins, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, pedophila, cigarettes, food addictions, occult/witchcraft, new age proclivities etc. are all things that can be passed on through genetics as well as learned behavioral patterns.
Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your hearts and reveal anything that is opening legal doors to the influence or infiltration of the enemy in your life.
Confess and renounce these things in Jesus name, plead the precious redeeming blood over yourselves/families. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and ask Jesus to renew your mind and to give you the mind of Christ.
There is more to this which I’m sure Dr Lake and MaryLou will address in future teachings. Under the resources section of their website your will find a wonderful series on spiritual warfare that is very helpful! God Bless!
Thank you so much Pamela, I will look up the teaching on spiritual warfare. I was set free by the Lord from the addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, literally in a moment, but will pray as you suggest about anything else that might be there.
Bless you for you kind help.
Praise the Lord! Check out Russ Dizdars teaching materials at on spiritual warfare also. He has excellent teaching materials that I’m sure you will find helpful! Expelling the Darkness is one of his more recent books that is more like a manual for spiritual warfare!
I will be praying for you!
God bless!
Thank you so much Mike, looking forward to your next books.