KIB 126 – The Watchmen, Preparation of the Remnant, and the Laodicean Peanut Gallery
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary discuss the role of the watchmen, the relationship to the remnant, and the Laodicean Church. God is waking up His people, and they are searching for truth and hungry for the Word of God. In an earlier podcast, they spoke about the dangers of speaking the Aaronic Blessing over those that are not serving the One True God. This prompted a question about the instruction of Jesus to bless those that curse you. Dr. Lake and Mary review several scriptures regarding this discussion, as they examine the difference in blessing the general community of believers and those actively engaged in the occult.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the newly released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
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Thankyou for speaking the truth. We are a small group in Oklahoma. We love His Appointed times. There is a new family, the McLains , they are hungry for the truth. As you know the enemy attacks so strong in the beginning until we stand up to Him by the authority of Yeshua (Jesus). We love His Hebrew name because it means Salvation.
Would you guys pray for them. Its so nice to hear the beautiful balance. Truth at all cost with the love of our Father. Thanks again for your faithfulness.
In our prayers!
Since listening to you Dr. lake my heart just jumps, I love knowing that my hunger and drive for more is being met you challenge and speak such NEEDED truth!!!!!
So happy to hear you preaching on the difference between loving your enemies and blessing your enemies. This is a message the church desperately needs to hear. I too have been in this situation where I’ve been called to judge a witch and I have struggled with the reality of what happened. It was humbling and a bit frightening. Nothing puts the “fear of God” in you like knowing He is as serious as a heart attack. Thank you for sharing the verses about not wishing “godspeed” and how you pray specifically for the believes when administering a general blessing. Good points for those of us on the frontline.
I am being helped and blessed with the message I am listening to “Peanut Gallery”. Most Christians don’t want to know about the increasing satanism and witchcraft all around us. I just want to be informed and available to the Lord so if He would ever want to use me, He can. Thank you for your work.
Dr. Lake, Thank you so much. Every aspect of this was just what I needed to hear. So glad to find you guys thru Mary,s “wwdwctk” interviews. You guys are such an inspirational example of a loving persevering Christian couple. Glory to the Father – my husband recently asked to do a Bible study together (We have only ever prayed aloud and read the Bible aloud together a handful of times.). Your Covenant Faith series will be the perfect place to start. Thank You. I was also intrigued by the Puritan study on the armor of GOD. The studies I found on line were not impressive. Are copies of the Puritan study available for purchase? I’m hoping your Covenant Faith classes will lead us to be “semi” seminarians and go thru your additional courses as a couple and then as a family. We will definitely be listening to KIB more regularly. The portions about blessings/Godspeed/firmness were particularly timely for me dealing w/ Cult/occultic friends in my life. Also, i can,t wait for my husband to listen to you and Mary to help break him out of the “don’t talk about give voice to or more power to evil by mentioning it aloud.”. I am sure there is a basis for this if you don’t spend more time focusing on the power of GOD but this is a common response by watered down Christianity. One step at a time! My wonderful husband is going to far outpace me once he begins to really study. I am so thankful for his leadership and request to study in depth together. Thank you and Mary both for facillitating this growth in our lives.
The Christian in Complete Armor: https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Complete-Armour-William-Gurnall/dp/159856885X/ref=sr_1_1_twi_har_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1492546156&sr=8-1&keywords=the+christian+in+complete+armor+by+william+gurnall
Where can I get a copy of the interviews of the saints that arose and walked around Jerusalem and what they experienced in the “Bosom of Abraham” when Jesus went to visit them?
It was originally in the unpublished works of John G. Lake that I obtained from his son-in-law. I am not sure if the brother is still alive.
Is there a way I could get a copy?
As I shared in the podcast, it is something that I have and read over 25 years ago. My files and books (over 30,000) are scattered over several locations, mostly in big piles. It might take me days of active looking to find it. If I do run across it doing research for two projects I currently have going on, I will make sure to throw it in a scanner and make a PDF for you.
Thank you so much. I had mentioned it to my pastor and he was interested in it and tasked me with finding out more about it. I searched the internet and could find no mention of it. I will tell him what I found.
I almost jumped out of my chair when you and your precious wife talked re:believing God for a building. This is what I’ve prayed for…learning from a teacher God’s truth(no boxes, no “play churches”)only His Word.
Lord willing, I will see you in Branson this September at the conference.
Thank you for all you do. The Kingdom teachings are amazing. In Yeshua’s Name, Blessings!