Can The “MARK” Be Reversed? What YOU Need To Know…Dr. Michael Lake and David Heavener
David Heavener and Dr. Michael Lake discuss blockchain, artificial intelligence, the hive mind, and the mark of the beast system. It is closer than you think!
Dr Lake is correct–Dr Carl Sanders created the chip to later tell the world do not implant it in you. What better way to control the minds of everyone to have them warship the devil. Once you mind is gone –you can no longer think on your own–what better way for the devil to have the world warship him and everyone go into the lake of fire with him by warshipping them via the chip. People need to wake up—The THIRD TEMPLE in JERUSALEM is being built not for the good but for the BEAST to rule the world
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Dr Lake is correct–Dr Carl Sanders created the chip to later tell the world do not implant it in you. What better way to control the minds of everyone to have them warship the devil. Once you mind is gone –you can no longer think on your own–what better way for the devil to have the world warship him and everyone go into the lake of fire with him by warshipping them via the chip. People need to wake up—The THIRD TEMPLE in JERUSALEM is being built not for the good but for the BEAST to rule the world