A Kingdom Response – Part 1
Biblical Life TV
America is being fundamentally changed. What is Heaven’s response? What is the Remnant’s duty? Is it all now over or will Heaven move for the sake of the Remnant. A fresh look at where we are prophetically. One of the most important messages Dr. Lake has ever given!
Taught by Dr. Michael K. Lake, Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary, Host of the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast and Biblical Life TV, and author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition.
God bless and protect you!
Your work is of an excellent spirit!!
“A Kingdom Response”, is it available on DVD ?
would like to share also with others as God would lead.
!! awaiting part 2 !! 🙂
( i have never before seen your righteous indignation so! 🙂
i too lament over Wilkerson’s books out of print. Thank you for the story behind the high prices for his books on the net, which i had encountered also.
i too am hearing local pastors preaching off of christian tv. and they say judgment is not coming to America, cause while God choose Israel, USA choose God.
nobody listens to me. they say i am in fear; that i am negative and not trusting God. I can only hint and say little. has been very frustrating. They say God wont let it happen, or they say we will be rapture-d 1st.
i feel the Lord to trying to get me to let it go and not be upset about it; -i mean, in that i am to do what He is wanting me to do and pray for us all. – to trust that my Lord YAHUSHUA is mighty enough to protect His people regardless of what we know or don’t know; and regardless of our preparedness levels.
Jer. 8:7 “…My people know not the judgment of the Lord”
Part of the remnant is so humble, kind, sweet and loving, and because of the grace given to USA in our lifetime, can’t comprehend the Lord’s goodness lifted from this nation in judgment kind of ways.
I think we as a people and a culture are ill prepared for a last days lifestyle, one the Lord may be requiring of us. Lord help us! Lord help me.
-seems we all are too soft- for the appropriate disciplines of soldiers.
I know that He is faithful to help us. And your ministry is a very needed reflection of Him doing just that!
Thank you! His angel armies about you and your lovely, sweet wife!!
What a great teaching, thank you so much, it uplifted my spirit. I live in the Netherlands and being a widow (67) without a church to attend, I often feel quite lonely and abandonded. No christian fellowship I mean.
I thank the Lord for the internet and people like you, who dare to share the unconvenient truth.
But we (christians who want to warn) are a voice in the wilderness!
Hardly anybody will listen anymore.
The Netherlands are ahead concerning changing laws and evil. It is frightening getting old in a country that has euthanasia as some kind of treatment.
Praying for you and all the other courageous preachers/teachers/pastors who continue to bring the right message we need to hear.
May the Lord protect and bless you and your ministry.
Meanwhile I am looking forward to part 2.
Maranatha Lord Jesus,
Amen and amen!
I full heartedly agree.
Ricky, I am praying for you. May the Lord lift your loneliness and bless you with Godly friends of His choosing. 😀
Patricia in Panama
Amen! Powerful word.
God Bless you and Mary!
Amen and Amen
Thankyou, your message is so good!
from Haden, Australia
Very worthy of hearing!! Thank you so much for a powerful warning but filled with encouragement in these trying times. The message seems to be a word rightly discerned by the Spirit of Truth with a rebuke to truly repent, yet persuasion to carry on with the work He has given us to do for His glory in the midst of the battles! I have mostly heard only one side or the other in preaching today. Also, thank you for the ability to download the audio of this message. My husband, who is a truck driver will want to hear it as he working. Blessings!