The Sheeriyth Imperative Special Report – Introduction by Dr. Michael K. Lake


The Sheeriyth Imperative Special Report

Introduction by Dr. Michael K. Lake


. . . but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
Daniel 11:32b


In The Shinar Directive, we journeyed down the Luciferian rabbit hole to discover the matrix of darkness that has engulfed our planet.  The stark truth of how esoteric societies have labored for millennia to alter our perception of reality and bring us into a pseudo-captivity is quite alarming.  The wide reception of my first book has caused believers around the world to shake off their techno-sorcery induced, spiritual coma and realize just how close we are to the fulfillment of Nimrod’s dark directive.


Recently, there has been a stirring in my spirit for the solution to combat this Council of Darkness established in the ancient plains of Shinar.  Will the Almighty allow His archenemy to bring in his “A” team for the final showdown without Heaven responding with its own?  Absolutely not!  I felt the Holy Spirit telling me that there is more.  There is an empowerment coming for God’s Remnant – His Sheeriyth.


Sheeriyth is one of the Hebrew words translated in our English bibles as The Remnant.  In a biblical and prophetic sense, the concept of the remnant is a group of people that would remain faithful to God, His Word, and His ways, when the rest of humanity chased after darkness.  In this hour, the heart of Almighty God is not only to awaken the Assembly of His Called Out Ones but to empower them for the unfolding of end-time prophecy.  These called out ones are referred to as the qahal (kaw-hawl’) in Hebrew in the Old Testament and as the ekklesia (ek-klay-see’-ah) in Greek in the New Testament.   Those that are called out to walk with YHVH-Elohim have always obeyed the mandate to leave Babylon and to walk in something greater – the Kingdom of God.


Daniel tells us that as the Son of Perdition comes into his zenith on the world stage, there will be a remnant of people that will not bow to his flatteries or his supernatural power.  In fact, there are three words that seem to jump off the page with prophetic importance in Daniel 11:32b:  know, strong, and do (exploits).  These three words reveal the spiritual DNA of the Remnant.   I believe it is important to properly examine these three words and discover our unique divine destinies.


Know:  The Hebrew word used for know is yada (yaw-dah’).  This word means “to know, to learn to know, to discern, and to distinguish.” [i]   A Handbook on the Book of Daniel by René Péter-Contesse and John Ellington provides insights that allow us to better understanding the use of this word in Daniel 11:32:


The verb know emphasizes not merely an intellectual knowledge of a subject, but an intimate personal and positive relationship. In some languages translators may wish to say “those who are close to their God,” “those who remain loyal to their God” (New American Bible), or “the people devoted to their God” (New Jewish Bible).[ii]


The Remnant will not possess a superficial knowledge of God.  They must first “learn to know, and then discern or distinguish” Almighty God from the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).  Once the Remnant can clearly differentiate between the two, they must then move into a deep, personal relationship with their Creator.  This intimacy with God will be a moment-by-moment walk with the Almighty.  In fact, the Hebrew word yada is also used to describe the intimate, passionate relationship between a husband and wife. [iii]  In the process of truly knowing God, He will be invited into the deepest parts of the believer’s heart, and the believer will in turn be allowed into the Secret Place of the Most High God.  The Psalmist describes this place for us:


 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.  Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.  He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.  Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.  A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.  Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Psalm 91:1-8


To become yada with the Almighty is the prophetic task of this hour for those that are awakening from this Babylonian-fashioned slumber.  Each of us must move beyond mental assent and religiosity to a living, dynamic, and powerful relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.  This powerful relationship can only be found through the completed work of Christ!  Over the centuries, there have been a few brave souls that have labored to enter into that level of fellowship with God, and they became giants of the Kingdom in their generations.  Now Heaven is issuing a clarion call for those that have ears to hear to move from simply being servants in the Kingdom to intimate friends of the King.  It is only in this type of dynamic relationship that we can discover the secret place of God that will withstand the Son of Perdition’s advances!


Strong:  The Hebrew word for strong in Daniel 11:32 is chazaq (khaw-zak’), which means “to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, and be resolute.” [iv]  We will discover later on in this book, as we examine the life of Abraham, that something happens in the life of any man or woman that really begins to walk with God (instead of in a veneer of religion).  There is a transformation that occurs within the character and nature of that individual who continually presses into God.   One walking with God becomes hardened against Babylon, gains spiritual courage and the ability to prevail against it, and grows resolute in remaining true to the Kingdom of God.  In fact, the Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains:  Hebrew adds the concepts of “to become powerful, be victorious, establish oneself over, and to have power over” to this significant Hebrew word. [v]  I believe that darkness has labored tirelessly for over two thousand years to keep this truth hidden of what the Remnant will become during the end of days.


Do (exploits):  Notice that exploits in the King James Bible is in italics. (I love the honesty of the translators of the KJV.)  This means exploits does not have a corresponding word in the Hebrew.  The concept of exploits is interwoven into the Hebrew word for do.   The word used is asah (aw-saw’).  This Hebrew word means “to fashion, to accomplish, to produce, to act with affect.” [vi]   What I find fascinating is that A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament goes so far as to describe this word as:  “to manufacture, to perform, and to carry out.” [vii]   To me, asah seems to be a daring word to use!   Imagine for a moment that as the Antichrist and the False Prophet are working false signs and wonders, the Remnant is empowered by the Most High to “fashion, produce, act with affect, to manufacture, and to perform or carry out” true signs and wonders that create real problems for this demonic duo of perdition!


The Future


From the bunkers that reside under the shadow of the Most High will rise a Spirit-filled army that truly knows God and His Word.  This Kingdom army will rise up to complete the Book of Acts.  They will provide a stark contrast to the Son of Perdition and his trans-eugenic horde.  It will be the time of the Sheeriyth Imperative – the Remnant rising up in the power of God to show the world the reality of the Kingdom of God and how to withstand the Shinar Directive!



[i] Strongs #H03045.  Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon.  BibleWorks for Windows 9.0.  BibleWorks, LLC, Norfolk, VA.  Copyright © 2013.

[ii] René Péter-Contesse and John Ellington, A Handbook on the Book of Daniel, UBS Handbook Series (New York: United Bible Societies, 1994), 311.

[iii] Koehler, Ludwig, Walter Baumgartner, M. E. J. Richardson, and Johann Jakob Stamm. The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Leiden; New York: E.J. Brill, 1999.

[iv] Strongs #H02388.  Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon.  BibleWorks for Windows 9.0.  BibleWorks, LLC, Norfolk, VA.  Copyright © 2013.

[v] James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament) (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).

[vi] Strongs #H06213.  Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon.  BibleWorks for Windows 9.0.  BibleWorks, LLC, Norfolk, VA.  Copyright © 2013.

[vii] William Lee Holladay and Ludwig Köhler, A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Leiden: Brill, 2000), 284–285.

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