The Release Date for The Sheeriyth Imperative


The Release Date for the Sheeriyth Imperative


I know that many of you have been keeping track of the progress of my new book, The Sheeriyth Imperative.  I completed the manuscript on March 1 and, shortly thereafter, forwarded it to Dr. Tom Horn at Defender Publishing.


Now Dr. Horn and his top-notch staff will begin the long process of editing, typesetting, cover design, and finally, printing the actual book.  The timing of the release of the book must incorporate all of these factors, as well as other books that are already in process through their publishing ministry.


I am excited to share that they have slotted the release of my book in the best possible dates for all of 2016:  September-October.  I could not have asked for better timing!  This release date will also allow their staff the time needed for first-class promotion of the book, in keeping with their high standards.


Please keep this process in your prayers, and pray that the Holy Spirit would open every door of opportunity to promote this new work!


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  1. Congratulations, can’t wait to read it. It will be a Sukkot blessing!

  2. Congratulations, can’t wait to read it. It will be a Sukkot blessing!

  3. WooooHoooo So excited for this new book. God bless you Dr. Lake. Will be praying.

  4. Thanks for letting me know. I have your first book Tha Shinar Directive. Rally looking forward for the New release. I’m. Happy I got to know you when you did the series on Skywitch. And I saw you on Josh Pecks and I think Hagmann;s. I am now going to. Start following you now that I have your website. I’m also grateful hounding keep the pagan holidays like Easter((ISIS) I’m Thankful The Lord opened my eyes about his holy days and now I don’t keep the Catholic Pagan holy or should I say unholy days. Also we have to observe the Shabbat and no Christmas I’ve read how these days by started and how they decorated the Christmas tree with their genitalia. Most of the days were so horrible most involved killing their little baby’s and writing down what gifts they wanted. Can you imagine. I will pray Our Father Blesses your new book and that you will bring many to salvation by teaching the truth .most ministers don’t even know that Satan was the tree of good and ex
    Com and that he fathered Cain. See Gains geology Adam wasn’t his Father. God often refers us as tree’s. Anyway I’ll be making A Donation f2f o you and you can be my Church since you can’t find one that teaches the whole truth and and I’ve developed scoliosis really bad and they can’t operate because it’s in a largesT shape. So km?’. Home almost all the time. Praying
    For a healing.
    With Blessings June Gilone

  5. I finished the Shinar Directive yesterday, can’t wait for the new one!

  6. Amen! I will be lifting up your prayer request fellow soldier of the Most High! Your fellow brother in Christ, Jeffrey Ross

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