KWR-0012 Turning America Right-side Up Kingdom War Room
Welcome to the Kingdom War Room. Each month, we will conduct a Kingdom War Room discussion with key leaders in the Body of Christ that will deal with strategic issues regarding end-time prophecy and challenges that the Remnant is facing worldwide. In this discussion, we have:
Host – Dr. Michael Lake, representing the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing and Biblical Life TV.
Co-Host -Dr. Michael Spaulding, who is the teaching pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH, the author of Make the Preaching Great Again and ten other outstanding books, and the host of Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live. Mike’s website is
Note: For this episode, we are having to upload the raw video. For some unknown reason, every time we process it through Final Cut Pro to add the nice video “window dressing,” the resulting rendered file loses audio after about five minutes.
In his new book, Upside Down in America, Dr. Mike Spaulding proclaims: The America I knew is dead. In the 1960s, our nation was still a shining beacon on a hill despite the many trials we faced. While the eyes and minds of the country were focused on Southeast Asia, our enemies were busy infiltrating our schools, civic organizations, churches, and government – at every level.
What must we do to turn America around? We must reclaim our right and responsibility to guide this nation by the principles of true biblical Christianity. The Founding Fathers bequeathed a nation to their progeny that would only survive as long as its citizens recognized God’s moral law for every aspect of our shared lives. This is not advocacy for a theocracy, but advocacy for a return to founding principles in our homes, churches, and government.