KIB 199 – Eugenics, Socialism, Occultism, and Technocracy: A Nazi Witch’s Brew
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Nazi Germany was a witch’s brew of Eugenics/Evolution, Socialism, Occultism, and Technocracy. This deadly brew is being reconstructed by the Luciferian Elite in America and the Western world today. Discover the truth and how we can use Kingdom principles to fight against it!
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell. Dr. Lake is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition
I was told by God’s Spirit to get rid of certain clothing and my jewelry-to sell the jewelry and give the monies to God’s work, so I am.
When I heard about the abortion bill not requiring a doctor to perform the abortion I thought that they just legalized abortion by a witch’s coven. Breading babies for satanic child blood sacrifice is now legal in NY.
One Sunday morning maybe 25 or 30 years ago I went to my parents home to visit. My mother invited me to go to Mass with her. She was a member of the largest Roman Catholic congregation in the city and Mass was held in the largest cathedral there. My mother chose seats about half way down the sanctuary and I notice on the other side, near the wall, was a larger than life size marble statue of the Virgin Mary surrounded knee high with beautiful flowers. A very nice display but I was not comfortable with it being IN the church. At one point in the Mass the priest led the alter attendants over to the statue where he presented the smoke of incense before the statue. I turned to my mother and said “this is pagan!” She replied “its OK, we don’t think there is any spirit in the statue” I said “That’s what the pagans always say” I was there after ostracized for being stupid and self righteous. A few years ago I drove through the area and noticed that the church appears to be closed.
As always, thank you for Standing Against Mystery Babylon & !
reaching out to the Remnant
Thank you for commenting on the NY ‘decision’
I am Stunned by the Lack of OUTCRY in response to NY’s demonic Abortion/Infanticide … if they were Killing puppies, in lieu of humans, one would be deaf from the Uproar !!
Since the Main Stream Media is run by Leftists, Marxists, Satanists please suggest how a believer in Yeshua, can effectively PROTEST Abortions/Infanticide! … you Know ‘The Powers That Be’ ARE watching if any are moved to give Pushback … thank you, God bless us who Love Him!!
Dr Lake and especially Mary.. you always inspire and ignite my spirit. I’ve been praying about this abortion decision like crazy. Do you think its Biblically wrong for us to pray that God himself close the womb of the women that would seek to take the child’s life? I thought of how God closed the wombs of the King’s house for Sarah’s sake. I know so many Godly women who are standing in faith to get pregnant… i had a tubal a few years ago and almost immediately after was convicted beyond belief. I repented and have prayed for God to forgive that sin and restore His image in my body. I’ve been praying for more children for about a year and I am just so sad for the women decieved by the womens health industry… Abortion, tubal ligation, etc… its not right! I would do anything to go back and know then what i know now. I prayed for God to close a womb that would become a tomb and please give me that child. I don’t know if that’s right or wrong i just know that its incredibly sad when covenant keeping families are asking for children and the godless (many of which are decieved) murder babies on their lunch hour.
Dr. Lake and Mary I can’t tell you how refreshing your programs are. I pray for you both that our Lord continues to Bless your ministries. I pretty much have resigned myself to just using your programs as my church I’ve been to different churches and have not had my heart and spirit ignited as with your teachings. Thanks again and God Bless.
Wade Walker