KIB 191 – Covenant vs. Fraud and the Jezebel Spirit
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Are we witnessing election fraud in several states as new uncounted ballots in the tens of thousands are discovered days later? Is the Spirit of Jezebel working to restructure the political landscape for the 2020 Presidential Elections? If all of this is true, then what is the response from the Remnant? In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss the midterm elections, the working of Jezebel to regain spiritual/political ground in the U.S., and the power of Covenant to turn the occult tide.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell. Dr. Lake is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
Hi Dr. & Mrs. Lake,
I’ve been listening to you for quite a while now and not only enjoy your teachings but I’ve learned so much! I wanted to let you know Mary Lou that I’ve learned so much from your series on ‘Healing for Victims of Trauma & Abuse’. As a victim of emotional, sexual, physical abuse and neglect for 15 years (approx. age between 1-2 that continued till I was 15-16) by 2 male members in my family. As I don’t have much of a memory I don’t know if it was ritualistic or not, but I did signify with so many of what you talked about in your 8 series podcast. I had to keep stopping to blow my nose and wipe my eyes. I’m 57 years old and I’ve never had this anguish answered as you did in your podcasts and of course my beloved rock Jesus who’s got me through SO MUCH! But the main reason I wanted to email you is that I’ve noticed on your site and a few others that in the address bar it will frequently say “Not secure” next to the web address?! It’s not always like that but it’s frequently happening. I’ve seen it on a couple of other sites as well. I’ve talked to a number of people who’ve noticed it with Google themselves, so I’m not sure what going on. I watch your videos through Vimeo and it’s fine that way. I just thought you might want to know. Again, so, so enjoy the Word through you folks it just really makes sense to me! BTW read your first book kudos! and am just finishing up ‘The Sheeriyth Imperative’ so powerful! Thanks so much to both of you! God bless all! Elaine
Since there is no commerce directly from this site, it does not support the https: (“s” stands for secure.)
Thank you for the response. Nobody’s ever accused me of knowing too much about computers! lol I just got my first cell phone 11 months ago, so suffice it to say I’m not comfortably ‘technified’ when it comes to things like cells, computers etc. 😀 Being old school I am looking forward to your next book Dr. Lake. Blessings
Dear Dr. Lake,
God bless you and Mary Lou for your total committment to Him, I know your lives are devoted to our Lord.
I wonder if you can help me, I am looking for a really solid in depth bible commentary, The ones I have were written well over 100 years ago, and I would like a more recently produced one. I trust your opinions of all things Biblical, and of study aids.
Every blessing,
The only drawback to modern scholarship in Bible commentaries is the price. Here are several that I use in my own research when writing: The Word Biblical Commentary, The New American Commentary Series, and The New International Commentary of the Old and New Testament.
I am so ENCOURAGED by you both! I regularly join with you in prayer, through the Holy Spirit, for your broadcasts. I feel such a powerful witness of the word of God and the Spirit. Thank you for faithfully producing these broadcasts. Also, I was blown away by what Pastor Mike said regarding getting rid of the “rear-view mirror” and looking into the mirror of the word of truth, where we can see who we truly are in Him. I have struggled with that ol’ rear-view mirror for far too long. It got shattered into bits tonight! Praise the LORD!
I am so ENCOURAGED by you both! I regularly join with you in prayer, through the Holy Spirit, for your broadcasts. I feel such a powerful witness of the word of God and the Spirit. Thank you for faithfully producing these broadcasts. Also, I was blown away by what Pastor Mike said regarding getting rid of the “rear-view mirror” and looking into the mirror of the word of truth, where we can see who we truly are in Him. I have struggled with that ol’ rear-view mirror for far too long. It got shattered into bits tonight! Praise the LORD!
Thank you both for this program. You are major blessing in my life. I thank Jesus for you both.
Thank you!
Here in WA State, it just boggles my mind how these officials the getting elected. I live in the high population area near Seattle and I have seen much deception in getting taxes levied and a complete waste of spending. Example, a couple of years ago our local high school was hosting Martin Luther King celebration and the staff snuck some Gays and Lesbians in and they were the speakers to push the LGBTQ (and whatever else has been recently added) agenda. Several students walked out and the media jumped all over it. The the district decided to create an entire program for training the students on diversity. It was a Diversity Program. Then the media ensures the public sees the school officials bragging about the good thing they did.
With all that said, I decided to request my ballot after the elections. I requested to examine my ballot to ensure none of my marks were changed. I was told that your ballot is protected and cannot be seen (which includes myself!). My ballot is protected from me!
Time for some legislature action, however we have majority democrat in house and senate and a democrat governor. Additionally, our State Supreme Court is a liberal court also. They recently abolished the death penalty because it was “racist.”
God can expose this! I believe He will! I have reported my observations with the elections systmes and the deception (media).
I have a city council that has not listened to the people, and a school district so hungry for the tax dollars they did not listen to the people during recent levies.
My God expose this corruption.
Dr. and Mary Lake, thank you both so much! Your teachings oover the years has taught me to “get in the fight.”
Sincerely yours,
I’m from Abbotsford B.C.(near Vancouver Canada). My name is Lois Kettering, I heard you speak at the True Legends Conference in Branson Mo. I also listen to your teaching videos. I’m wondering if you are able to suggest places of worship in the Vancouver area that are in line with your biblical view, teaching, and celebrate the Jewish festivals. I am hoping to find a place of worship.
Sorry, but we have no idea. These days, Mary and I can hardly keep up with what we are doing. 🙂