Construction Continues – No Podcast This Week

Construction Continues at Biblical Life


As I am writing this post, the sounds of hammers, saws, and more are loudly blaring in the background.  The flooring is being placed down, doors are being installed, and trim is being cut and nailed into place.  Our office will be way too loud and hectic to attempt to record a podcast this week.


If all goes as planned, the construction/remodeling side of this project will be completed this week.  Then we can move forward it setting up the areas for the two TV studios:  from furniture and decor to sound systems and cameras.


Our two-month-long journey of 10 to 12 hour days six days a week has about come to a close.  We are hoping to have everything back to normal by January 1 and then will begin the long process of catching up on two months of emails and phone calls.  To be honest, after two months of drywalling, repairing, and painting, it will be nice to put down the hammer to pick up a keyboard and phone for a while.


Thank you for all of your prayers and support in this historic expansion of our ministry!


Dr. Michael K. Lake

Updated: December 19, 2017 — 5:21 pm


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  1. God Bless your Ministry.

    Bob Shank
    Madison, Wisconsin

  2. So glad to hear all is going well albeit noisy. Guess you’ll have that!;) Am excited to see the new decor.
    Brother Mike never thought I would hear you say you actually want to answer emails and phone! Ha Ha! guess you really are tired of the construction hat after all.
    Hugs and blessings to you Mary and ALL the crew!

  3. We wait with bated breath. God Bless

  4. I must agree with Kate. Blessings to you in the upcoming year.

  5. Kathleen Arquette (student)

    Dr. Lake,
    SO EXCITED that part of your journey is closing – (I hate moving!). God bless all those hours.

    Where are we to send our course work? Have another paper to send in….(sent one in November – hope you got it)…Please advise when you can

    1. New address is right on the front page of the BLCS website. 🙂

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