Category: News

Keeping informed about KIB issues.

Switching from DVD to MP4 Video on USB Drives

Over the past couple of years, producing DVDs has become problematic. We have run diagnostics on our equipment and found no problems. Yet, without warning, we will have some that have purchased a series online have problems with a set of DVDs. One of our customers suggested placing the videos in MP4 on a USB thumb drive. Most new TVs, DVD/Bluray players, and computers have a USB port to play MP4 videos. The equipment and a supply of USB thumb drives have been ordered, and we will begin production this week.

Winter Weather Continues to Mess with Our Broadcasting Schedule

The winter weather last week and again this week has put us behind on our recording schedule. The snow we can handle, but ice is a whole different story! Usually, we post a new Biblical Life TV on Mondays and a new KIB podcast on Tuesdays. We will be recording the KIB podcast at home on Tuesday and a new Biblical Life TV first thing Wednesday morning. Both new episodes will be uploaded sometime on Wednesday. We are hoping that this will be the last delay this winter.