Category: Kingdom War Room

KWR0021 – Corrupting the Image 3 with Dr. Doug Hamp

When two prophets with superhuman powers arrive to warn of God’s coming judgment, the world largely rejects their message and treats them as hostile extra-terrestrials who must be stopped at any cost. Posing as an ancient alien, Satan’s hybrid-avatar the Beast kills them and urges humanity to take the mark of the Beast and evolve into gods to fight against the coming alien invasion led by Jesus.

KWR0020 – Do Not Be Deceived

Jesus warned His followers not to be deceived.  This prophetic warning moves far beyond who the Messiah is.  The priesthood of darkness and the Mystery Religions use deception as a major tool for their work.  From the evening news to politics and beyond, we live in a world constructed through deception!  We need to have Heaven open our eyes and provide discernment for the days ahead.

The Lost Prophecies of Qumran KWR0016

The Essenes are an overlooked element of the Second Temple Period by most believers today.  Yet, there are strong connections with this Jewish group that had rejected the immorality they saw in Jerusalem and throughout Judea to form a settlement in the desert.  However, the Dead Sea Scrolls has turned a spotlight on this book and the prophecies they had about the future.

KWR-0014 In the Devil’s Toolbox

Dr. Oswalt details how our emotions can be the devil’s playground, and our violation of biblical principles regarding our emotions creates legal access to our lives by the enemy.  In the Devil’s Toolbox serves as a wake-up call to this generation to get their emotional lives in biblical order or else to pay the consequence in both this life and in eternity.

KWR-0012 Turning America Right-side Up | Kingdom War Room

In his new book, Upside Down in America, Dr. Mike Spaulding proclaims: The America I knew is dead. In the 1960s, our nation was still a shining beacon on a hill despite the many trials we faced. While they focused the eyes and minds of the country on Southeast Asia, our enemies were busy infiltrating our schools, civic organizations, churches, and government – at every level.