KIB 138 – Faithfulness to God and Hell’s Slave Market

KIB M and M Edition Podcast

KIB 138 – Faithfulness to God and Hell’s Slave Market

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary revisit the story of Hosea and Gomer with a fresh word concerning where we are at this time.  They emphasize the importance of staying faithful to God in every circumstance.  As we are in the season when prison doors are being opened and captives are being set free, it is important that we all recognize the prisons that the Babylonian system we live in has created.  Just as Hosea purchased his adulteress wife out of slavery, Jesus paid the price for us to be free from slavery to the kingdom of darkness.  Dr. Lake expounds on four Greek words for redemption, as he describes how the precious blood of Jesus purchased our redemption.  They discuss how to place our trust in God, as we reject sustenance and security from Baal.  They end with a prayer for God to give the grace to walk out of the prison, once the doors are open.  Dr. Lake prays for those that know the excruciating pain of betrayal by a spouse.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive:  Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the newly released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.


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  1. Individual christians need support and prayer
    Here in uk the churches are dead
    There are no elders to call to pray for the sick/demon possessed
    Every one that is a supposed prophet are either selling books/TV evangelist selling end times food whils at the same time believing they will be caught up to heaven by 23/9/2017
    Meaning selling heaven and Our Lord for money
    If anyone has time to pray for someone dying with demonic morgellon diseases, then please get in touch

    1. Mary and I are in prayer for you. We also ask all of our prayer partners to lift you up in prayer. Also, if there is another believer in the UK, please reach out to Jinee for ministry.

  2. Hello brother Michael and sister Mary! LOVE you both! You have helped my learning to a whole deeper level. I have a spiritual warfare/deliverance ministry. So many Christians out there are so lost. They need to understand deliverance and the freedom that can come from it.

    Thank you for your teachings! I wanted to go to the Watchman’s conference and yes the other with Steve Quayle but financially I can’t. Your teachings have strengthened me and brought my understanding of the word in a whole other deep level! I thank you for that.

    Mary, I listened to your interview with Derek Gilbert regarding your book and your experiences with programming and being attacked by witches. With the ministry God has me serve retaliation from the enemy comes at me often. God in his mercy and grace keeps me safe. The anointing on your ministry is strong! Thank you for all your time bringing forth TRUTH and explaining things so well! Much love and blessings to you both!

  3. Thank you, Dr. Lake and Mary Lou! Your teaching a faithful words of encouragement are such a blessing. I pray for people, and I ask for prayer. Living with unbelieving family members in these days is extremely challenging. I appreciate so much your words of encouragement. Many times I listen to your podcasts a few times to process your anointed words. Thank you so much!

  4. President Trump recently dedicated the month of January to overcoming the terrible problem of Slavery…especially enslaving children. Would you comment on how mind control is part of this problem? My wife and I have a home for abandoned and medially needy children. I am now 85. We have had over 350 children come through our home called The Gabriel House. We are now opening to a Ministry which is dedicated to saving children pulled into slavery.

    1. We have already commented on these things many times and have called for the Body of Christ to pray against it, as well as to pray for our Law enforcement agents that are hunting them down.

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