Many times, we gloss over rather than dig deep into the words of Jesus. Seek first the Kingdom, Your Kingdom come, and the Kingdom is like leaven are good examples of what the modern church simply skims through. Yet, these words of Jesus are powerful and hold a secret to moving in Kingdom power!
Tag: Steve Quayle
The Holy Spirit vs. Confusion and Chaos
Two ancient enemies are hidden in the Hebrew of Genesis 1:2: Confusion and Chaos. These enemies are rising around the world to prepare the way for the son of perdition.
This same verse from the book of Genesis reveals the Kingdom solution: it is the Holy Spirit. The task of the Remnant in this hour is to become so filled with the Holy Spirit that it begins to affect these ancient spirits. It is our kingdom assignment as both priests and tabernacles of the Holy Spirit in the earth.
The Perilous Times and the Coming Judgment of God with Steve Quayle and Dr. Michael Lake – The Hagmann Report
2020 and the Kingdom Warrior
In 2020 and beyond, the Almighty is going to activate and empower the Remnant Warriors to bring in the great revival before the unfolding of the Book of Revelation. In this episode, Dr. Lake examines some of the essential rules of engagement for the spiritual war that is before us: from destiny altering principalities to the power of a lifestyle of faith is discussed.
Developing Functional Faith Part 1 & 2
In developing functional faith in the Kingdom, it is essential for the believer to have the correct perception of the full council of God’s Word and exactly what it means to live by faith. In this session, Dr. Michael Lake examines both of these concepts from a balanced, Kingdom position and introduces the believer for the need of a software upgrade through meditating and acting upon God’s Word as empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Tabernacles and the Millennial Reign Part 2
The Feasts of the LORD are all about Jesus and God’s prophetic timetable. There is also a connection between the Feast of Tabernacles, the Millennial Reign of Christ, and the New Heaven and New Earth. John tells us that looking for Christ’s return is essential to our purification process: yet we have an entire generation that has abandoned biblical prophecy. It is time to change this trend and to return to biblicity!
Tabernacles and the Millennial Reign Part 1
Feasts of the LORD are all about Jesus and God’s prophetic timetable. There is also a connection between the Feast of Tabernacles, the Millennial Reign of Christ, and the New Heaven and New Earth. John tells us that looking for Christ’s return is essential to our purification process: yet we have an entire generation that has abandoned biblical prophecy. It is time to change this trend and to return to biblicity!
Feast of Trumpets: The King Speaks from His Throne Part 1
The Feast of Trumpets can represent many things prophetically: from the catching away of the saints to the King is in His field. However, this year Dr. Lake is examining how the Feasts are still for today and how Trumpets represents the King speaking from His throne to enforce the Kingdom in our day.
Kingdom Foundations and Functional Faith – Part 2 Biblical Life TV | UTK69B
The last epistle by the apostle Paul reveals two powerful truths: God knows those who are His and everyone who names the name of Christ will depart from iniquity. Paul calls these truths the solid foundation of God. Understanding this Kingdom truth is essential to moving in functional faith! It is time that the Remnant understands the dynamic of the commandments and moving in the power of God in the Last Days.