Tag: Mystery Babylon

KIB 438 – Overcoming Babylon’s Conditioning

While in Egypt/Babylon, we were conditioned to think and act through the worldview and practices of the Mystery Religions.  Much of the Church has embraced the ways of Babylon to promote their ministries and to establish tainted doctrines.  We are now on the edge of a tsunami of darkness about to be released upon the earth.  Only the Kingdom of God can overcome what is coming.  We must break free of the mind conditioning of Babylon, move into a Kingdom mindset, and Kingdom power to face the days ahead.

KIB 235 The Remnant’s Heart – No Compromise

In the current prophetic season, God is activating, training, and equipping His remnant. The remnant is not what is leftover or what remains. The remnant will become God’s special forces for the days ahead. The remnant will have the fire of God burning in their hearts, will have sanctified themselves for the Kingdom of God through repentance and separation from anything of Mystery Babylon, and will have a heart of no compromise in the battle that lies ahead of us! Each member will have learned the balance of walking in love, faith, and spiritual warfare dynamics. They will be unique, biblical, and powerful in ways we have not seen since the Book of Acts!

KIB 230 – The Day of Atonement: The Reckoning

The Day of Atonement is filled with prophetic meaning: what Jesus has done and what He will do in the future. Yet, this biblical feast is overlooked by most believers today. However, God is speaking in this feast regarding the releasing of those that find themselves in the bonds of Mystery Babylon. The Almighty is about to release the Remnant in a powerful way!

KIB 226 – Time for Divine Intervention

In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss how we are in a strategic season for spiritual warfare and its connection to Psalm 28. It is time for the Remnant to seek heaven for divine intervention! The Lakes also discuss Proverbs 7 and the need to separate ourselves from anything connected to Mystery Babylon. This separation is essential for heaven to respond and to answer our Psalm 28 prayers!

KIB 211 – Principalities and the Foundations of the Earth

Psalm 82 and many other passages warn that fallen members of the Divine Council labor to alter the foundations of God upon the Earth. Yet, it is their very actions that prompt divine retribution and judgment. Both Jesus in Matthew, Chapter 24, and the writer of Hebrews in Chapter 12 reveal that the Almighty is going to shake the powers established in the Second Heaven. Finally, in Chapter 12 of Hebrews, we are warned to make sure that we are established on the Kingdom that cannot be shaken! It is time to realign ourselves, our lives, and our ministries with the Third Heaven and the absolute rulership of Jesus. There is both a revival coming and a shaking of Second Heaven powers. Are you ready?

KIB 193 – Turmoil and Triumph

KIB 193 – Turmoil and Triumph Kingdom Intelligence Briefing   In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss several items ripped from local news with possible connections to the Black Awakening. They also discover the attempt of the Luciferian Elite to bring chaos to the Western world to empower their occult workings in […]

KIB 192 – Babylonian Zombies vs. Kingdom Remnant

KIB 192 – Babylonian Zombies vs. Kingdom Remnant Kingdom Intelligence Briefing   On today’s podcast, Dr. Michael and Mary Lake review some history to explore how the enemies of the Kingdom of God have been toiling to create mindless zombies waiting to be filled with the agenda of the kingdom of darkness. They discuss the […]