Tag: Kingdom of God

KIB 384 – The Destruction of Western Society through Iniquity

Western society is built on the Protestant ethic of the Reformation, which drew heavily on a biblical Judeo-Christian theological foundation.  The workers in the priesthood of darkness have labored for over 100 years to destroy the very fabric of our society.  Believers today find themselves in a boiling cauldron of the occult’s making.  Our only hope is to return to biblicity, reject the tacit influence of the Mystery Religions, and become salt and light in the earth once again.

Kib 383 – Breaking Footholds and Strongholds

The enemy of our souls does not play fair; he will never show any mercy. Therefore, we must become aware of the enemy’s tactics and move in the power of God to eliminate footholds and pull-down strongholds.  Heaven is releasing an anointing in this hour to bring freedom to the Remnant and empower them for the fight ahead of us.

KIB 382 – The Kingdom Flows from the Heart

The Kingdom of God is within the believer and flows from the heart like a river.  But the enemy has worked overtime to wound the hearts of humanity to stop the Kingdom from flowing.  Heaven is moving to restore the brokenhearted.  A tsunami of God’s Kingdom is about to be released through the mended hearts of the Remnant.

KIB 374 – Keeping a Kingdom Paradigm

God hates injustice (Prov 6:16-19). As we pray, the Almighty will reveal and bring to justice those in government and industry who have sought to destroy America and enslave the world. It is also essential to keep a Kingdom mindset amid all that is happening today. The apostle Paul provides practical instructions to the Body in Phil. 4:4-9 that are more applicable today than ever before.

KIB 373 – A Rahab Moment in the Future

The fear of the LORD is powerful:  it can transform those caught in the worst of circumstances and bring them in line with Kingdom purposes.  We are entering a season in which the Holy Spirit will release this holy fear to transform captives into whistleblowers strategically!  We believe Almighty God will uncover the underbelly of corruption in the U.S. and Western society that cannot be denied or covered up.  Everything hidden is going to be revealed.  The Remnant must be ready for this Rahab Moment.