Tag: faith

KIB 334 – We Are Family: Understanding the Family Dynamic of Kingdom

To properly move in Kingdom, we need to understand the dynamic of the family of God.  Once we see Kingdom as family, our perceptions begin to change.  We understand the purpose of the loving instruction of the Father (Torah) and the importance of properly bearing the name of God.  We even discover the real reason God tests us (it is not what you think).  The Remnant must become rooted and grounded in family to fulfill their assignments on planet Earth.

KIB 333 – It’s Time to Make a Choice: Choose Kingdom

We’re back!  It seems that the enemy has upped its game against both the nation and the body of Christ.  Yet, we are standing on the edge of one of the greatest revivals in human history.  The enemy has overplayed his hand.  As the enemy doubles down on their agenda, it is time to double down on the Kingdom!  2022 is the year of choice and pressing into higher levels of the Kingdom.

KIB 332 – Leftism and the Prophetic Connection to Hebron and Absalom

After reviewing important items from our national news, the Lakes discuss the possible prophetic connection of America, ancient Hebron, and Absalom.  There is a direct spiritual connection between Absalom and Marxism taking hold in our nation today.  If we seek the face of God, Marxism (and its power base) can meet the same divine judgment as Absalom in the time of King David.

KIB 331 – The Obfuscation of Truth and Other Realities of 2021

The war against truth has never been greater than in our day.  MSM, the techno-army of so-called “fact-checkers” (and their technocratic overlords), and legions of Marxists labor unceasingly to control the social narrative.  Yet, there is evidence that their programming is breaking down, and that truth continues to find the light of day.  Now is the time to dedicate ourselves afresh to our eternal King and the spiritual war that lies ahead of us. 

KIB 330 – Avoiding the Snares of the Enemy

We learn in the story of Gideon that sometimes well-intended acts can become a snare for God’s people.  Snares are a major popular tactic of the enemy to entrap us, bind us up, and impede our effectiveness in the Kingdom.  We are in a season of Heaven revealing the snares of the enemy, allowing us either to avoid them or to get free from the ones we are already in.  It is time to wake up and see the enemy’s plans and to walk free as Kingdom citizens.

KIB 329 – The Prayers are Working

Throughout biblical history, there were times in which evil appeared as if it was going to win.  It was then that the LORD would stir up the Remnant to pray, and the Almighty judged the sin.  We are in those days once again!  Do not get distracted by the den of the conflict.  Instead, we are to press into prayer and the Word to strengthen ourselves for the soon coming move of God.

KIB 328 – When God Stirs Things Up

God is stirring things up so that the Body of Christ will wake up, stop trusting in the affluence of Western society, and establish themselves once again in His Kingdom.  The stirring during this shaking is God’s grace and call to preparation.  It is our duty to awaken, learn, grow strong, and stand in our most holy faith.  A people stirred to holiness are never shaken by divine judgment!

KIB 326 – The Bible, Discernment, and Understanding

As the days unfold before us, discernment will become a daily necessity.  Discernment is not suspicion nor based on mental prowess.  Discernment is spiritual and can only be developed through the study of the Word and time in prayer.  It is so easy to get overwhelmed at current events that we forget our need for the Word and prayer.  Yet, this is where the Holy Spirit is calling us.  The Remnant is answering this call so that discernment and understanding will become our constant companions.