Tag: End Time Prophecy

KWR0043 – Babylon’s Planned Incompetence and the New World Order

Over the past few decades, world leaders have not put their citizenry first. Bad ideas, philosophies of governance, and historically failed agendas continually surface, are rebranded, and implemented. Are we witnessing complete incompetence, or is there another agenda that involves the planned decline of the Western world (including the United States) and will produce the Great Reset and the new One World Government?  We plan to answer these questions in this edition of the Kingdom War Room.

KIB 409 – The Watcher Influence and the Final Conflict

End-Time spiritual warfare will be different than at any other time in world history.  The full council of Hell is gathering for the final conflict, including the Watchers.  Yet, Christ promised us in this final hour that the gates of Hell (i.e., its full council) would not prevail against His Church!  The Lakes also discuss the prophetic significance of the Feast of Trumpets.

UTK103 – The Kingdom Under Attack

As believers, we are living in hostile territory.  Yet, the Laodicean atmosphere of Western society has dulled our senses to this reality.  The political, social, educational, and religious landscapes are infected with the toxins of Mystery Babylon.  We must awaken to the fact that the Kingdom is under constant attack from both without and within.  Only then can we properly gird ourselves with truth and move forward to fulfill our Kingdom assignments in this prophetic hour.

UTK101 – Getting Free from the Tentacles of Babylon Part 3

Messiah:  The end goal is to move God’s people away from the Word and to entertain either carnality wrapped in tradition or veiled Mystery religion concepts.  In this episode, Dr. Lake examines three different versions of the Western Church that deviate from the biblical norm and provides a call back to biblicity.

UTK100 – Getting Free of the Tentacles of Babylon – Part 2

There is a sifting coming upon the world.  Are our lives built upon the solid foundation of the Word and Messiah or is it built upon the ancient sands of Babylon?  How is Antinomianism connected to much of the Church, the sands of Babylon, and the Son of Perdition?  The answer to this question will shock most believers! 

UTK98 – The Kingdom in Hostile Territory

The past Laodicean affluence of America has lulled the body of Christ into believing we were not living in hostile territory.  In recent years, various aspects of our society have taken off their masks and have revealed their true hatred for the Gospel and the Word of God.  There is censorship and oppression on every front.  How does the body cope with these new challenges and move forward in our mission?

Sheep Nations and the Task at Hand

It is easy in the den of spiritual warfare to lose sight of the Assembly’s trust mission.  Our mission is to lead nations to the LORD and teach them to walk in His ways.  There will be Sheep Nations during the reign of the Son of Perdition, and it is our task to call them into the Kingdom and disciple them to be faithful Kingdom citizens.  One day, we will be judged by Almighty God on how trustworthy we remained to our mission in His Kingdom.

Fighting to Establish God’s Will | UTK96

Every day on planet earth, the will of God is not being fulfilled billions of times.  The will of God and the Kingdom of God are intertwined.  It is only where the Kingdom is manifest that the King’s will is revealed.  A vital part of spiritual warfare is to seek Heaven for the manifestation of the Kingdom and the revealing of God’s perfect will.

The Fall Feasts and Our Prophetic Moment 2021 | Biblical Life TV

Understanding the Fall Feasts and their prophetic significance is essential in the days ahead.  There are three crucial aspects that are examined in this episode:  (1) The need for divine judgment in human history, (2) the importance of the fear of the LORD in the last days, and (3) our need to avoid a pseudo-repentance that is abhorrent to the Almighty.