Both the story of Passover and when Joshua was preparing to take Jericho teaches the modern Church an important lesson regarding the covenant. When we take our covenant seriously, heaven moves, and hell trembles. In the current prophetic season, heaven is calling us to a new level of fidelity regarding the covenant we have with our King.
Tag: covenant
KIB 310 – Covenant, Intimacy, and the Kingdom
Prescribed cultural drift by the Mystery Religions has been so invasive over the past sixty years that the Church has lost the knowledge of biblical covenant. Being covenant-conscious opens the door to greater intimacy: whether in our relationship with God or marriage. Yet, the number one complaint in today’s society (both in and out of the Church) is loneliness and a sense of disconnection. It is time to build the biblical foundation in these areas once again to restore and move to the next level – spirit, soul, and body.
The Prophetic, the Feast of Dedication, and the Power of Covenant with Dr. Michael Lake and Rabbi Eric Walker
The Prophetic, the Feast of Dedication, and the Power of Covenant with Dr. Michael Lake and Rabbi Eric Walker Revealing the Truth TV Dr. Michael Lake and Rabbi Eric Walker discuss the prophetic significance of the Feast of Dedication, its significance in the life of the believer, and the power of taking our covenant with […]
KIB 193 – Turmoil and Triumph
KIB 193 – Turmoil and Triumph Kingdom Intelligence Briefing In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss several items ripped from local news with possible connections to the Black Awakening. They also discover the attempt of the Luciferian Elite to bring chaos to the Western world to empower their occult workings in […]
KIB 84 – Covenant, the Prophetic River, and Judgment
KIB 84 – Covenant, the Prophetic River, and Judgment Kingdom Intelligence Briefing In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lake use Jeremiah Chapters 10 & 11 as the backdrop of discussing a proper understanding of covenant (and its responsibilities), the visitation of the Kingdom that is coming (the Prophetic River), and the need for balanced […]