In this episode, the Lakes discuss the history, pervasiveness, and intoxication that society and much of the modern church has with the dark light of Lucifer and the Mystery Religions. More importantly, God is about to move in judgment against this dark light for the sake of the Remnant and His great name. It is now time to examine ourselves to ensure that the leaven of Mystery Babylon has not infected our souls. We need to be clean before the Lord as He moves in judgment!
Tag: another gospel
KIB 223 – Is the Modern Church the Church of the Living Dead?
Over the past one hundred years, the Mystery Religions have been laboring to water down the gospel, to distort the Word of God, and to present “another” Jesus to the world. Has the hyper-grace movement (as well as many others) produced unsaved Christians? Does the Word instruct us to work out our salvation to maturity or just hold on to our salvation golden ticket and romance the world? The Remnant is being called into a deeper walk with God and to pray for the salvation of those who have accepted another Jesus.