We are in the process of consolidating and updating several of our websites. We have moved our online store to https://store.biblicallifeassembly.org. The Biblical Life Assembly website has been completely redesigned. It will take some time before we will have all of the free studies in MP3 audio loaded to the site. We are updating the […]
Category: Uncategorized
KIB 372 – The Rip That Was Heard Around the World
KIB 351 – Understanding the Divine Exchange
The answer for all our sins, emotional wounds, and physical sickness is discovered at the foot of the cross of the Messiah. The more that we can comprehend the unfathomable depths of the atonement that Jesus accomplished for us, the more incredible healing the Holy Spirit can release into our lives. We are entering a “NOW” moment for revelation, healing, and forgiveness to flow to the Remnant. Heaven is waiting to reveal, restore, and empower His people for the days ahead.
UTK 102 – Getting Free of the Tentacles of Babylon Part 4
Understanding the difference between the concepts of conspiratorial history and accidental history is essential for the Remnant in the last days. We can add to this list of essentials, Luciferian involvement in the United Nations, the corporate world, and even our evening news. It is time to heed the admonishing of the apostle Paul to test all things and only hold on to that which is true!
Dr. Michael Lake HTW Zoom Fellowship Call TONIGHT Tuesday 8/31
Hi Everyone, I hope you have a peaceful and blessed weekend. We have a very special guest tonight on our Zoom Fellowship Call. Dr. Michael Lake, Founder of The Kingdom Intelligence Briefing, will be joining us to talk about “Understanding the Origin of the Current Madness, and how to Overcome it”. This meeting is essential […]
How Illuminati & Freemasons Are Behind “The Mark”! Dr. Michael Lake & David Heavener LIVE | 8-9-2021
KIB 309 – Contrasting Kingdoms and Preparing for the Next Move of God
The modern Church has forgotten its position regarding the world and the things of the world. Darkness corrupts, and the Kingdom brings life. In fact, the further you get into the Kingdom, the narrower the way becomes (which has great benefits!). Understanding the purpose of tarrying and preparation is essential for the Remnant to become God’s tier-one operators in the coming move of God.
No KIB Podcast This Week
Good morning Dear Friends, We are experiencing dangerous wind chills, along with snow and slick roads. Because of the weather and the fact that our dog, Daisy, is not an inside pet, we are working from home this week and won’t be able to post a podcast. I’ve thought many times the last few days […]
Surviving the Last Days with Dr. Michel K. Lake
KIB 242 – Activating Faith in the Kingdom
From the coronavirus in China to volcanos and earthquakes around the world, it seems that disaster (on an apocalyptic scale) is knocking at the door. However, in the Word of God, we see a prophetic picture bringing the Kingdom to a pivotal point in human history. It is time to learn how to activate our faith in the Kingdom, to learn how to walk in it, and to bring Kingdom power to those around us. Science and technology will fail us, but Jesus and His Kingdom will never fail the Remnant!