Category: News

Keeping informed about KIB issues.

First Review is in on The Kingdom Priesthood

This is a well written and thoroughly researched book about a topic that is wholly neglected in the Church today. Believers desperately need this information so that they can both understand and fulfill their mission to be priests of the Kingdom of God in the end times chaos and deception that has taken hold of the Church and the world. Review questions at the end of each chapter help the reader commit important concepts to memory, and further highlight the seriousness with which this extremely timely work should be read and studied

Raising Up the Remnant Conference LiveStreaming Now Available

ising Up The Remnant, taking place December 26-29th, will focus on Yahweh’s design for life, family, and stewardship. We hold a passionate calling to awaken the Remnant to Babylon’s system of enslavement, and for them to become fully dependent upon the Most High spiritually and physically in the days ahead.

The Need for Strategic Intelligence in the Cosmic Conflict

In any conflict, whether it is being waged on earth or in the heavens, intelligence is crucial. In the context of warfare, the concept of intelligence is not referring to one’s mental prowess; intelligence refers to strategic information regarding identifying the enemy and their history, the nature of the conflict, the enemy’s doctrine of war, troop strength, etc. Without the necessary intelligence, devastating mistakes are made on the battlefield; lives are destroyed and territories lost unnecessarily.

KIB 236 Biblical Life Building Report

KIB 236 Biblical Life Building Report Kingdom Intelligence Briefing This week, KIB is providing a special video report.  So many of our friends and partners have asked for a video report to share the progress on our building in Seymour.  Not only are we showing you the original building that is now completed, but the […]