Delay in This Week’s Podcast


Delay in This Week’s Podcast


June is one of the busiest times of the year for us at Biblical Life.  Between validating students for graduation and the several interviews that I have already done this week, Mary and I rushed to record a podcast on Wednesday.  However, after completing the recording, we were not satisfied with the episode.


Mary and I are planning to record a new podcast this weekend.  Please be in prayer with us as we ask Almighty God to pour out a sin-killing, devil-chasing anointing for Pentecost.

Updated: June 10, 2016 — 1:08 am


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  1. AMEN, dear ones! May it be a DOUBLE portion anointing in line with Elisha’s request of Elijah! And may you abound in and be filled with the fruits of righteousness (of right standing with God and right doing) which come through Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, to the honor and praise of God–that His glory may be both manifested and recognized. Philippians 1:11 (Amplified Bible)
    Yeah, God!
    Love you both,

  2. Thanks Michael; I’m glad that you and Mary don’t post a podcast just to meet a schedule. That speaks to your integrity and sensitivity to the Spirit.

  3. My nam is Pamela and my husband of 52 years…name is Bob…We will be in prayer…and pleading the Blood of the Lamb over your lives…it could be that this month will be this busy for many peoples…as The Good Lord leads you forth in His timing and His perfect will for your lives…Bob is 83 and I will be 72 soon; we have learned over the last few decades the days do not go the way we plan these for the most part and have also learn about His will for our lives…I have also noticed is I am getting rushed or pushed to perform…the devil is in the details somewhere…as soon as I notice that I find a seat and start praying…especially in these days we find ourselves going into…snares everywhere…and I know from walking with the Good Lord I do my best ministry for others when I am joyful and strong in the Word…doesn’t mean I do not get tired of have pain in my body…because at 72…and a real bad diet when I was younger has left me with aches and pains…I am working through…regardless and His Great Graces and many Mercies meet me as I go…we will stand in agreement with you for each step of your days in His perfect will…we have also learned not to get into strife with each other…as this does hinder our prayer life …we are learning to bite our tongues and forgive each other in advance of each day…our days are getting a lot more productive. I hope this information is a blessing and not another waste of your time…did learn so very much from hearing you on the Hagmann’s for the first time and this is how we found you…listening more than once has been a real blessing in our lives. Thank the Good LORD He leads us all to a place of gathering!!! His Shalom to your home and loved ones…as we go with His flow…stay in the Bible each day…it is our food…praying always in the Holy Spirit…remembering His Blood paid the price in full for our liberty. “IT IS FINISHED”, Christ Jesus.

    1. Typo’s …yikes

  4. worth waiting for no doubt!!

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